
Instructions for preparing your activities

Personal protective equipment adapted to your size is provided (helmet, life jacket) and must be worn.

Safety instructions are posted for every activity. Our team of 15 qualified lifeguards are on hand to remind you of the rules, keep an eye on you and reprimand you if you don't follow them.

Water Jump

Waterjumping is a sport.

It is a diving activity with a high speed catch inducing large jumps in height and length.

Like any sporting activity, it induces a risk of injury in case of wrong practice.

The activity is totally discouraged for people suffering from cervical problems, back pain, dislocated shoulders or weakened joints.

It is strictly forbidden to practise under the influence of alcohol, drugs or narcotic substances.

  • 6 years minimum.

  • Swim 25m without buoyancy aids.

  • Not recommended for people with health problems.

  • 1.50 m minimum to access the third level.

  • Helmets must be worn.